Millions of Nigerian children face malnutrition crisis amidst electricity shortage

Millions of Nigerian children face malnutrition crisis amidst electricity shortage

Jul 4, 2024

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Ennes Kahf

Mothers wait in line for a medical clinic with their malnourished children [Photo courtesy of The Guardian]

A food and electricity shortage is affecting millions of children in Nigeria with about 70% of them growing up in poverty, according to the National Institutes of Health.

“We have an emergency at hand, and those kids that are severely malnourished definitely need treatment,” said Dr Simba Tirima, MSF’s Nigeria representative. Because of the increasing number of people affected by this tragedy, there has been a 60% increase in the patients admitted to hospitals. Additionally, electricity shortages limit children in schools from learning how to use a computer or the Internet.

Humanitarian relief agencies, like Doctors Without Borders, are working to provide medical assistance to those suffering.

Read more here.


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ISLAMIC informs the modern muslim on the happenings of the world. We align the values of the ummah with news, culture, media and conversations.


ISLAMIC informs the modern muslim on the happenings of the world. We align the values of the ummah with news, culture, media and conversations.